Instituto Europeo de Hidroterapia de Colon Instituto Europeo de Hidroterapia de Colon Instituto Europeo de Hidroterapia de Colon Instituto Europeo de Hidroterapia de Colon Instituto Europeo de Hidroterapia de Colon
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The large intestine has a direct connection with the rest of the organs and systems of the body and reflects the state of balance and well-being of our organism when it is in perfect biological balance and in optimal hygiene conditions.

In this picture, we can see how the large intestine connects to other part of the body:

Reflex areas of the colon

Waste accumulates in certain areas of the colon due to inadequate eating habits, a sedentary lifestyle, prolonged inadequate postures, or an alteration of the individual anatomy of the colon (megacolon, dolicocolon, etc.). As this waste accumulates, the functioning of organism is negatively altered depending on where the waste has gotten stuck.

Colon hydrotherapy, as a hygienic practice, in combination with an adequate intake of water and a diet filled with fresh fruits and vegetables, helps us to keep these “sticky” zones of the colon in optimal conditions and maintain our overall wellbeing.


Specialized Hydrocolon Therapy center

Opening hours from Monday to Sunday from 9.00 to 22.00 continuously, including holidays.

© 2023 European Institute of Colon Hydrotherapy

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